Mujahid Ur Rehman

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The Emptiness of Mind

There is something that I have been doing recently, and I would like you to practice it as well. It's not a secret, but I think this could be the key or one of the key factors for creativity and the creative process. We are all consumed by social media, work lives, family and social responsibilities. We do not give ourselves time to think, contemplate, and most importantly, we do not empty our brains.

So there is something that I have been doing lately, and because it is winter in Cape Town, I have been doing it over the fire. I shave the wood, make fire, and then I do nothing. I stare at it. You can do gardening if you like, or go take a walk in the forest, but try to do nothing while you are doing it.

I keep a book next to me. When I put my phone away and do not consume media, I give myself “me’ time. It is vital for the creative process. All the juices start brewing. I note things down in my diary as they come. Sometimes it is not about creativity, sometimes it is only about investments, my job, how to deal with certain family situations, or when I going to meet my friend. When is going to be my next trip? How should I take better photos? How should I make better videos? How should I light my videos and studio better? What kind of videos should I make for my viewers? And how can I grow my channel? How can I be more creative and more productive in life? The emptiness of the mind is crucial. One needs to disconnect to be able to connect with others again. Look at your own creative process as an outsider. When you give yourself no purpose in an activity, you are doing yourself a favour. I explain this entire thought process in a video below, which I believe is more engaging.

I write a weekly blog. If you want to stay in touch, subscribe to my newsletter, there is a free eBook that comes with it.

Kind regards
