Mujahid Ur Rehman

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Fine line between enjoying the moment and taking photos

There is a fine line between enjoying the moment and taking photos. As a landscape and outdoor photographer, I tread this line every time I go out. When I started photography, I remember being frustrated and not being able to get the photo I wanted on location. If you were to hear some of my audio recordings, it includes swearing. This was due to a lack of knowledge about camera settings and techniques. As I got more experience, I became relaxed. I learned to enjoy and admire nature first without having to worry about the camera, composition and how I would approach the photo.

Once I have set up the camera, while waiting for the sunrise or sunset to spread its colours, I stand there in anticipation and fully submerse myself in the moments of awe. Pressing the camera shutter then becomes second nature just like changing the gears of a car. Also, I don’t take a few hundred photos of the same scene because I am confident that what I have captured is going to make a nice photo when post-processed (in other words, edited in Lightroom or Photoshop). Yes, there is an element of disappointment when I don’t get the shot I want, especially when I travel hundreds of miles or fly somewhere, but I know that I have had a wonderful experience of being in nature. So yes, if you are a photographer, your job is to capture the amazing, but you don’t have to be uptight about it. With practice and learning, the journey becomes interesting and memorable.



If you are interested, you can watch this short documentary in which my friend discusses the point of enjoying the moment and taking photos.