Pain is Temporary, Memories are Forever

I don’t know who else said it, but I know that I said it during my trip to the northern areas of Pakistan to a dear friend who didn’t hike up the mountains because it was a tiring job.

Pain is Temporary, Memories are Forver. ~Muji

I stand by it

For me, this is my own phrase, I coined it and stand by it.

I have an off-road vehicle that I have been enjoying for the past 5 years. I don’t do off-roading as a hobby and I won’t drive up a sandy hill just because it can take me to the top. However, if I know that my destination is on the other side, I use it because that is what the vehicle is designed for. You, I and everyone are designed for glory, storytelling, creating, and achieving excellence in whatever field we chose to be in. In order to take a photo, sometimes you just get out of the car and set up your tripod, or hike a mountain to get mesmerizing views. However, the photo that I shoot by taking the pain and discomfort is worth more to me. It’s like going off-road and being uncomfortable, but you know that the destination is on the other side of the hill. Long hours of off-road driving, early sunrise or late night missions in the cold winters, sleeping in tents during snow or sand storms, soaking wet clothes in the waterfalls, and lighting striking just outside my tent are some of the uncomfortable memories that have made my adventures special. These are stories that I will tell my grandchildren one day, both in form of a video and photos. I can’t wait for their jaws to drop when I show them how lightning struck near me. My stories are my legacy and gifts to the world. Who knows if, due to global warming, there will ever be snow again where I camped once without a sleeping mattress? I remember getting trapped in a sandstorm, we were hungry after almost a few hundred kilometres of driving, so we sought shelter in a bathroom, it was quite swanky clean though. We made our food there and ate under the shower. Did my mommy not tell me to not eat in the bathroom? Yes, she did… but man, I know that lamb chops taste even nicer when you are tired and trapped.

What’s your thought process when it comes to such moments in life? I would love to know what your approach is. Drop a comment below and stay in touch.




What’s The Rush?


You are the director of your story