“Dear Diary” of a Young Girl
Today, I share with you, with permission, a page from my little sister’s diary that has inspired me.
Dear Diary
It's been a long I haven't talked to you. It's not that my inner chaos is lulled and the voices in my head are hushed forever. Life has been good and bad lately like salty chips and sweet cupcakes. Sometimes I live in the moment and dance with each tick of the clock. Sometimes I want the world to live a little slower. And sometimes, I shut my doors to reality and close my eyes to its bitterness.
I don't know when I stopped talking to you. But I know that I have been busy living the life I always talked to you about. In the eventful roller coaster ride of my life, it's never been easy dealing with my emotions. I felt too much and I took time to absorb things. I still do that. However, I have learnt that the only constant is change. And the only change that counts is within.
Baby Steps
I am not there yet, but I have been taking baby steps because I am trying to live life instead of finding it somewhere else.
29, Jun, 2023
The most powerful words for me are, “I am trying to live life instead of finding it somewhere else”. Do I need to say more?
I wish you speed and courage to live your life the way you want to, instead of finding is somewhere else.
kind regards