It’s past Mid-Year, are you on track?
To be honest, I personally am not a big fan of end-year resolutions and the saying, “The next year is going to be good!”. There’s nothing wrong in saying that, but I feel that most people say it without much deliberation and thought. Their aims are based on hope and not an action plan. I might sound harsh, but I would rather like to hear myself and others say, “The next year is going to be good because I have jotted down my goals and come up with an action plan”. Even if your plans are half-cooked, it’s better than having no plans. A typical example would be joining the gym and finding out two tough sessions later that “I am too busy” or “it’s not for me”. There’s always time, admit it, it was just that fitness wasn’t your priority and guilt brought you to the gym. One doesn’t have to wait for the end year to come up with goals, I believe that’s when you reflect on the past year and make amendments to a plan based on the goals that you have set throughout the year.
So here’s an exercise…
It’s the 15th of July today as I type, my heartbeat has a little kick to it with just the thought that half of the year is already gone and the end is not that far. Do you also feel it?
Imagine that it’s the end of the year, keep your current goals in mind, or lack thereof, and try to feel what you would have felt only at the end of the year. Have you been indulging yourself in habits that are not good for where you want to be? A side note, too much TV and Netflix are not good. Have you even set your goals? A side note, too much sugar and being a couch potato are not good for health. Do you even have goals? A side note, it’s better to take action if you are depressed and aimless than plunging deep into the darkness. Have you been wasting your money on things that you want but don’t need? A side note, investments in assets that grow are better for your future. The list of questions and side notes is too long for this blog.
I am not perfect nor am I a motivational speaker but I leave you with a small thought: When the year ends, would you say, “The next year is going to be good!” or would you rather like to make a statement, “This past year was great, I had a great ride. I didn’t achieve everything on my list, but I gave it my best. I feel good. I was productive. I learned so many things and improved myself. I influenced people and contributed to society and yes, I saved a bit of money and invested it too”. You can add to this statement as you like.
Kind regards