The secret sauce to creativity is…

I have three days left of my corporate life and can’t wait to start a new chapter of creativity. I have revised the script for my video “I quit my job” three times now, and I need to record my voiceover for the fourth time. I went to Cape Point, also known as Cape Of Good Hope, to record the video's opening scenes. A few nights before that, I woke up at about 1:00 AM and saw myself standing on the white sand of Dias Beach at Cape Point. In the vision, I stood atop the mountain, looking at myself down at the beach. I must say that I am pretty happy with the shots I got based on the visions. It made me wonder what triggered a random vision at night. I enjoy the process and have had these visions for a few films I have shot.

I am susceptible to negativity, and I also get depressed when I see selfishness, hate, wars, and other ugly things our planet doesn’t need. I avoid all that pushes me into a negative zone. The best ideas and visions come when I have a healthy mindset, eat and sleep well, and am physically active.

To get the shots of the opening scenes, I prepared a shot list and decided on the equipment, music, sounds, and creative angles. I had to hike up a mountain and then down on the beach, which took almost an hour. All of that happened with 15kg on my back. I was out of breath on occasion, but I was content because the physical training at the gym paid off. Thanks to my trainer, whom I swear loudly, for making me do those squats. 

I have spoken a lot about myself today, but it’s an experience I am sharing with you. A healthy mind and body combination is essential for a creative process and journey—a person's mission to achieve something results from healthy thinking patterns and activities. The most amazing part is that I envision camera angles and shots. It’s incredible what the human brain can come up with when given the right environment by its owner!

I would love to hear what you have to say!

Of course, I will share the video in a few weeks when it’s done!

Kind regards



So it begins…


When is it hard to stay motivated?