When is it hard to stay motivated?

Ironically, I am having a few bad days, and as I opened my To-Do list to write a blog, the topic list says, “When is it hard to stay motivated?” So, let’s dive into it straight away. 

Creating without aim: sometimes, we must infuse our creations with intention. Are we making it for fun, business, to learn a new technique, or simply out of passion? What will we achieve after editing our photos, going on a trip, painting our vase with flowers, or collecting our stamps? We create for the sheer joy and love of it, and that's beautiful. But let's also set some short-term goals for ourselves. For instance, I write because I love it, but I also want to grow my audience and engage them for the sustainability of my photography and filmmaking ventures. With that in mind, I might create videos, photos, blogs, etc., that may lead to sales. Creating becomes a fulfilling journey when you have goals because you can set tasks to complete your mission. 

Lack of feedback and encouragement: My wife typically compares herself to me and says, “I don’t create it for the audience. I do it for me”. I fully and wholeheartedly agree with her. However, she is usually the first to come and ask me, “So how does my painting look?”. She is the one who has had exhibitions too, not I. We need feedback and sometimes appreciation to do more. It’s human nature. It might be a certain number of likes or clicks for someone to feel encouraged, and for some, it might just be “well done”, “great job”, “you must create more, it’s healthy”, or “Oh wow, you are amazing”.

 Comparing yourself to others: You are unique, you are you, and no one else will be like you. So, stop comparing yourself to others. If you feel someone is a better baker or a photographer than you, draw inspiration from their work and don’t let yourself feel down. Remember, you have your unique perspective and style. Keep moving forward, trusting in your creative journey. 

Not trusting yourself: If you keep moving one step at a time, you will eventually reach the heights of excellence. To love something or be passionate about something, you must love yourself first and have faith that even if you don’t know something, you will learn it, work hard and smart, and create better the next time. Create your workflow for doing things, be organised, and trust your process by tweaking it based on new learnings. 

Not staying focused: To master something, you must be with that craft, art, hobby, or passion. Give your creative passion a chance to flourish by giving it the time it needs and staying focused on small goals that create a bigger picture. If you are easily distracted by media, negativity, and time waste, you will eventually lose the motivation to create. It’s a deep dungeon, trust me!

You don’t need motivation: You need discipline more than motivation, and once the ball rolls, it’s hard to stop it. So, maybe it’s time to whip your inner lazy self and get up!

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Kind regards



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